Getting Involved

Join Waratah CLT Association and together, we will make CLTs a reality in Australia
As a member of WCLTA you will have access to our education program

Workshops include:
  • Starting a CLT 
  • Funding a CLT
Sponsorships and Donations of any shape and size will help make CLT a reality

WCLTA’s Ethical Sponsorship Charter
Dedicated to a more mature humanity.

WCLTA and partners seek out sponsors which provide for and support:

1.    The development and production of clean technology
2.    The proactive reduction of wasteful or polluting practices
3.    The development of sustainable land use and food production
4.    The preservation of endangered eco-systems
5.    Activities which contribute to human happiness, dignity and education
6.    The dignity and wellbeing of non-human animals;
7.    The efficient use and reuse of human waste
8.    The alleviation of poverty in all its forms; both material and spiritual.
9.    Continual improvement of the human condition.
10. The preservation and education of indigenous culture and traditions.

WCLTA and partners shall avoid sponsors which are considered to unnecessarily:

1.    Pollute, land, air or water;
2.    Destroy or waste non-reoccurring resources;
3.    Extract, create, produce, manufacture or market materials products, goods or services which have a harmful effect on humans, non-human animals or the environment;
4.    Market, promote or advertise products or services in a misleading or deceitful manner;
5.    Create, encourage or perpetuate militarism or engage in the manufacture of armaments;
6.    Entice people into financial over-commitment;
7.    Exploit people through the payment of unreasonably low wages or the provision of poor working conditions;
8.    Discriminate by way of race, religion or sex in employment, marketing, or advertising practices;